SEO Google Indexed Fast

Fast Indexed Search is an easy easy difficult things can be difficult to reverse is also hard to easy, why did I say that? Because Search Engine Google sometimes delayed or slow to detect practically or index of articles we post, well in this case I will try to share a few tips for posting an article that we could just fast indexed in google, Among them are as follows:

Original 1.Konten not copy and paste the results

Please note that articles from the copy and paste very large influence on the Search Engine, if we're not good at good at copy and paste technique has definitely entered the Google Sandboxnya often, and when I entered google Sandbox do not expect to be read or indexed by search engines other than google:), it took quite long to be free from Google Sandbox or less know if we know better tekhniknya.Jadi try what we post is purely the result of typing or writing our own hands, despite what we are posting that was ever written by man another.

2. Use Meta Tags

Two things are most important in the use of this meta tag, ie Blog Description and Keyword, of these two things if it has been fulfilled I feel is enough, which is important not to get the similarity between the blog title with description of his blog, because it can be considered a spam blog, such as I have never experienced.

3. Registering Blogs On Search Engine

Register your blog on search engines is a very good tips on appeal the use of meta tags, because if we had enrolled our blog on search engines is a lot we can certainly blog indexed, in this case by registering on the three search engines alone is more than enough, namely on the Google Webmaster Yahoo and MSN Webmaster or Webmaster Bing actually there's another one that is Dmoz, but if you register on the site Dmoz quite difficult than others, because as an interpreter Dmoz is not a machine but the human value, It also can not accept that the content Dmoz blog we are not English.

4. Wearing Sitemap

Sitemap is also very necessary for all articles that we post can be indexed by search engines, so at the time of registering our blog on the search engines do not forget to enter blog sitemap kita.Sitemap presence in Webmaster tools, then there is a submit sitemap.

5. Ping Servise Blog

If indeed we are posting articles that want faster, then we also need to use a ping tool for our blogs that I normally include use is, Google Ping
Yahoo Ping Ping and there are two more complete tool again to do that is Pingomatic and servisenya Ping Pingoat.


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