
Start Month July 2010 Facebook is not Free Again

London-mentioned Facebook will attract a fee on users. Withdrawal fee of USD 140 thousand per month will be carried out in July 2010.

A group already has 200,000 members believed that the site will soon attract a cost of about U.S. $ 14.99 (USD 140 thousand) from the user's social network.

Group called "We're not going to pay to use Facebook - we come out if this is happening", now has more than 140,000 members and aims to get the 300 000 members who signed the petition.

"This is a petition to stop Facebook from the cost of U.S. $ 14.99 per month starting in July 2010."

"Because of the popularity of Facebook, Mark Zuckerberg (founder and chief) got many offers from people who want to buy Facebook, the people who will make it as a paysite (paid site)."

"Let us continue together and let them know that we will leave Facebook if they decide to charge," the group said the manifesto.

However, Facebook hard to deny that claim. A company spokesman said: "We have no plans to charge users for Facebook to basic services. Facebook is a free service for 350 million users. "

Several small groups dedicated to spreading the message that Facebook will attract a fee from early July 2010 are also emerging. Rumors of Facebook for free no longer seems to come from an email hoax circulating in



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Cara Mengubah HP jadi Blackberry

Ingin punya blackberry tapi tak ada uang untuk membeli? Jangan khawatir, ada trik bagaimana memaksimalkan HP biasa namun memiliki vitur seperti blackbeery, tentunya dengan cara yang tidak ribet. Penasaran untuk mencoba?

Sekedar info bagi yang udah tahu atau yang belum tau aplikasi Instant Messenger (IM) di HP yang namanya Palringo bisa dipake buat Voice Chat ataupun berkrim foto secara langsung seperti Blackberry Messenger (BBM). Aplikasinya lebih simple dari BBM, voice chatnya langsung play tak perlu di save dulu, berkirim fotonya juga lebih cepat ketimbang BBM. Aplikasi Palringo ini bisa menghemat daya baterai dan pulsa tentunya!

Cara dapetin aplikasi ini kmu tinggal download di atau langsung dari HP kamu di alamat dan aplikasi Palringo ini bisa di gunain ampir di semua HP dengan Operating System seperti Windows Mobile, Nokia S60, Blackberry, iPhone, Google Android, dan hampir semua HP yang mendukung Java.

Cara gunainnya, setelah kamu download aplikasinya dan meng-installnya kamu harus register email kamu untuk login ke palringo. Register bisa dilakukan di websitenya atau langsung dari Palringo di HP kmu, registernya cukup menggunakan email yang biasa kamu gunain, baik itu email FB atau email yang kmu pake buat Yahoo Messenger. Setelah itu kamu bisa menambahkan account yang lain contohnya Yahoo Messenger, Facebook Chat, MSN, Google Talk dll. Bedanya Palringo dengan BBM ini Klo BBM tuh menggunakan PIN BB nya untuk chat, nah klo Palringo ini cukup menggunakan email yang udah kamu register.

INFO PENTING: Untuk voice chat & kirim2an foto, kamu harus SHARE ID Login Palringo yang udah kamu register untuk diberitahukan ke temen-temen kamu dan temen kamu juga harus menggunakan palringo tentunya, dan menerima ajakan kamu (di approve).
Voice chat & Share foto sebaiknya jangan dikirim lewat YM, klo lewat YM itu voice chat nya harus di download dulu di web dengan mengklik link nya, jadi jangan voice chat lewat YM.

Aplikasi Palringo ini gratis, dan biaya chat nya juga murah, 1x voice chat paling 1kb – 5kb tergantung panjangnya bicara kamu. Klo di itung pake Indosat M3 Rp.1/Kb berarti 2Kb = Rp.2 dst dst dst..

Tambahan nih, perbandingan biaya internet di HP yang udah pernah saya coba yaitu Indosat M3 dan Telkomsel Flash:
– Indosat M3 = Rp.1/kb berarti klo kamu pake internet di HP sebanyak 1MB = Rp.1000 (1MB = 1000kb)
– Telkomsel Flash = Menurut saya ini lebih murah tapi sebelumnya kamu harus beli paket Flash dulu info lengkapnya nya di
Rinciannya klo kamu beli paket Rp. 20.000 dapet 35MB (hemat 15MB), klo beli paket Rp. 50.000 dapet 125MB Wow! What a BLAST! Cuma dengan Rp. 50.000 kamu bisa internetan di HP sepuasnya selama 1 bulan dengan asumsi 4MB/hari.
Kalau dibandingin sama Blackberry kamu harus bayar Rp. 150.000 perbulannya (tergantung operator), walaupun dengan Blackberry internetnya unlimited tapi kan bisa mubazir klo kita pakenya gak maksimal, toh di Blackberry yang biasa kita lakuin cuma chat YM, BBM, FB, browsing kecil dan itu semua seharinya paling cuma ngabisin 5-10MB, betul gak? Rethink ya!!

1 lagi aja, untuk memper murah browsing internet di HP kamu sebaiknya pake browser Opera Mini, karena si Opera Mini ini bisa mengkompres gambar yang di download, tapi hasilnya agak sedikit buram, dengan kompresasi itu berarti data yang kita download lebih kecil dan hemat. Opera Mini bisa di download di Opera Mini Langsung dari HP kamu. Di HP kmu juga bisa share latitude menggunakan google maps, download di Google Mobile

Mobile Uploads untuk HP Nokia kan belum ada applikasi resmi dari Facebook, bah buat kamu-kamu yang pengen upload foto ke Facebook langsung dari HP kamu bisa dengan cara ini:
1. Resgister email baru di google mail (
2. Set Google Mail di HP kamu
3. Cari tau email Facebook upload kamu di Setting > Account Setting > Mobile > Go to Facebook Mobile. Temukan email ini contoh:
4. Tulis e-mail baru, tambahkan foto kamu dengan Add Attachment dan kirim email dengan subjek kosong ke alamat email Facebook Upload tersebut.
– Kelemahannya gak bisa tag orang langsung.

HP yang saya gunain Nokia E63 S60 V2 dan saya nge-tes ini di Windows Mobile, iPhone, Sony Ericsson, dan HP nokia yang support internet & Java. sekian dulu tips dan trik nya, nanti akan saya berikan trik lain bagaimana memaksimalkan batere blackberry agar bisa bertahan lama atau cara agar batere blackberry awet. dan infor masi tentang harga blackberry terbaru yang kami berikan cuma-cuma untuk anda.

Selamat Mencoba ya, Semoga Bermanfaat!

Sumber : “”

Spyware Terminator Real-Time Protection

Free 100% Real-Time Protection is included in Spyware Terminator basic version, a vital function most other applications charge extra for. Effectively remove spyware, adware, trojans, keyloggers, home page hijackers and other malware threats even dangerous threats like WebRebates, Look2Me, BetterInternet, VX2, and CWS. Spyware Terminator is easy to use, requires minimal PC resources and has ultra fast scanning speed.

Protect your computer with powerful real-time protection shield, advanced system scanning and safe quarantine for found spyware. Scan your computer manually or schedule full system sweeps. Perform in-depth scans of your computer´s hard drives, memory, process, registry and cookies to seek out and remove all known spyware threats.

Real-Time Protection guards your computer, privacy, and personal information from hidden threats before they can run, stopping most threats before they install, and helping to prevent any potential security breach. Real-Time Protection’s Internet, System, and Application Guards monitor over 50 security checkpoints to verify any unknown activity. When you´re browsing the Web or downloading and installing new applications, Spyware Terminator monitors your computer and warns you when you might be installing spyware or other unwanted software.

Spyware Terminator scans your entire system using a regularly updated database of known spyware. Our experts continually analyze new threats and extend our anti-spyware database so that you can effectively protect your computer. Using automatic updates ensure continual protection of your data and privacy.

System Restoration returns your operation system to the last state of system checkpoint. This can be extremely useful if you perform an install or uninstall by mistake and you need to undo this operation. System Restoration does not cause you to lose your personal documents, email messages, browsing history, and the last specified password when you revert to an earlier

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Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.6-ZWTiSO

Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0 combines Symantec AntiVirus with advanced threat prevention to deliver unmatched defense against malware for laptops, desktops and servers. It seamlessly integrates essential security technologies in a single agent and management console, increasing protection and helping lower total cost of ownership.

Key Features
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Key Benefits
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- Lowers total cost of ownership for endpoint security.

System Requirements:

Symantec Endpoint Protection Client (32-bit)
- Windows2000 SP3+, Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista (x86)
- Pentium III 300 MHz (1GHz for Windows Vista)
- 256MB RAM
- 180 MB disk (plus an additional 440 MB during installation)

Symantec Endpoint Protection Client (64-bit)
- Windows XP Professional (x64) SP1+, Windows Server 2003 (x64), Windows Vista (x64)
- 1 GHz with one of the following processors: Intel Xeon with Intel EM64T support, Intel Pentium IV with EM64T support, AMD 64-bit Opteron, AMD 64-bit Athlon (Note: Itanium is not supported)
- 256MB RAM
- 180 MB disk (plus an additional 440 MB during installation)

Symantec AntiVirus for Linux Client
- Linux distribution supported: Red Hat Enterprise Linux, SuSE Linux Enterprise (server/desktop), Novell Open - Enterprise Server, VMWare ESX

Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager
- Windows XP Professional SP2; Windows Server 2003 Standard/Enterprise
- Microsoft Internet Information Services (web server)
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- 1GB free disk space

Symantec Endpoint Protection Console
- Windows XP Professional; Windows Server 2003 Standard or Enterprise; Windows 2000 Professional/Server/Advanced Server
- Sun Java Runtime Environment (JRE) 1.5
- Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0 SP2
- 512MB RAM
download link : For USA, Japan, EU, UAE, Au, Ru, SA, Brazil and Sing. For USA, EU, Japan, Sing, Au, Ru, UAE, SA.

Opera 10 Final – Fast, powerful and Efficient

A full-featured Internet browser, Opera includes pop-up blocking, tabbed browsing, integrated searches, and advanced functions like Opera’s groundbreaking E-mail program, RSS Newsfeeds and IRC chat. And because we know that our users have different needs, you can customize the look and content of your Opera Browser with a few clicks of the mouse.

Opera 10 Final – Fast, powerful and Efficient :

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Fitur Baru dari Opera 10.50 :

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* Mendukung Private Browsing. Sehingga browser tidak menyimpan aktifitas berselancar Anda.
* Terintegrasi dengan fitur aero glass, Aero Peek dan Jump Lists di Windows Vista maupun 7.
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* Tampilan baru jendela dialog maupun tab.
* Optimalisasi address bar dan search. Dimana sekarang menyimpan alamat yang pernah diketikkan dan menampilkan history nya.

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Connect with friends on MSN, Yahoo, Facebook, GTalk and AIM messengers all at once, using mig33. You can also use chat with emoticons and exchange a photo too. Our community has created the world’s best place for chat. You can meet new friends, connect with popular IMs, play games and much more. There are so many new friends to meet. Join chat rooms to flirt, share photos, send gifts, play games and just have fun. Optimizes the data channel on your phone, so you can chat for a fraction of the cost of SMS and other chat services. And it works on every phone.

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Old Fashioned Rotary Dialer

know it sounds old-fashioned, and maybe I am, but I just love the sound of these old bell phones, although I have to be honest and say that I don’t like rotary phones, mainly because of the waiting for that rotary dial to make its excruciating slow rotation.

We had one, actually that was so common when I was growing up and I remember when you wanted to make a quick call; it was really painful to wait for the dial return to the starting position between each number.

Anyway, like it or not, thanks to the Jamie Fuller, who is developer of the nice Sensitive game, now you can extend experience of dialling on your phone with an application that captures the essence of these classic rotary dial phones and brings back a little nostalgia to your brand new phone.

Rotary Dialer is an application which lets you use your Nokia 5800 as an old telephone by sticking your finger into the virtual onscreen holes of a simulated rotary dial phone!

Download Old Fashioned Rotary Dialer

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