6 Lifestyle Causes of Stress

Lifestyle Causes Stress What do you do to cope with stress? Vacation or shopping? There are various other activities that would help you forget the problems that make you depressed.

Each person must have been stressed and it is natural. But without ever realizing it, the lifestyle that you live is also open opportunities for greater stress. What kind of lifestyle that could potentially make a person become stressed?

Too much work without the balance

You claim to a workaholic? It does not matter if it's running workaholic balanced with the rest of your life such as exercise, hobbies or things outside of work. Work hard without pause it is possible to make your stress. Therefore, even if you have a busy schedule slip in your kesibukkan little activity you like and do not necessarily have to be out of office.

The monotony Lifestyle

Although it does not make you dizzy, but the monotonous schedule of activities and routines can be 'dry' emotions or mood. Routines make you like in life in auto mode and you can not enjoy your day. You become sensitive, feeling stuck, so that the stress arises. Break the routine of your life to make life more dynamic. For example change the position of your office desk. No Supportive Resources

Well, you are person in charge, but you're not working alone. Menampuk major responsibility is very likely make you burdened. Thoughts such as "If you leave a day, then all the work to be messy" it makes you stressed and depressed. Believe in your peers. If you work too much, why do not you just delegate the task to someone you know?! Your load will be reduced.

Lack of social support

Just as co-workers who could ease the burden of responsibility, you also need a shoulder to cry on to devote your emotional burden.

Alienation without having someone as a place to tell when you're having problems, could be a driving factor of stress.

No time for hobbies

As someone who is pursuing a career, it seems time for hobbies as if feels like a waste of time. You prefer to take advantage of free time as a forum to lobby the employer or plan future projects. Though very good hobby for you to feel relaxed and at ease. Those who have a lifestyle that never took the time to relax or tend to fast relaxation of stress when faced with the problem.

Lack of sleep

People usually do not realize the importance of meeting the needs of bedtime. And if you lack sleep, you become distracted, unproductive at work, and quick emotion when troubleshooting. If this continues over time, it is not impossible you experience stress.

Less free time

Part of a healthy lifestyle is to have free time. Make the most of your spare time with a fun aktivits. These activities can provide a fresh distraction from the problems in your life.

Vacations can be one answer. Holidays can make you able to eksplore themselves deeper and discover a new side of yourself. For those of you who have never vacation, take time off now and go on vacation!

Chrometophobia - Fear Of Money?

Fear of money may be difficult to understand for many people, this fear does not happen regularly. When money is the source of the anxiety and constant fear, maybe these people have suffered Chrometophobia.

In a tough economy like this, perhaps many who perceive this phobia is ridiculous. However, fear of money is more complicated than it looks. It can be connected with the pressure to manage money, which is more difficult than ever.

People who have little money may also be susceptible to Chrometophobia. They will feel anxious when they think about the little money they have. Money will be the focus of unwanted in their lives, and the tension that they feel may affect their daily lives.

Cause Chrometophobia

More Money, More Problems?

Sometimes, having money brings new pressures ... While most would love to have a lot of money, some people who have a lot of money to manage money well.

When someone has a lot of money, one should consider the investment, tax, and everything that goes along with money management. People with Chrometophobia may feel that they are not skilled enough to manage their money, and afraid of losing money because of bad investments.

Anxiety and too much Thinking About Money

People who do not have money, and did not find a way to improve their lives will obviously live very idea how much money they have and will always be shrouded in fear.

Thinking constantly about money and how it affects your life will be affected by the initial cause of this phobia. Too much to think about one thing can be a sign that it is a potential phobia.

How to Overcome Chrometophobia

Understand why you are afraid of money. The first step in overcoming your fear is to acknowledge your fears and understand why you are afraid. It could be fear of lack of money, the burden of debt, or other reasons. Think about why money causes you fear or stress.

Learn more about the money. We fear things we do not understand. Learn about money by talking about this with your partner or friends, read books, magazines, searching the web, or watching a show on TV about finances. The more you know about the money, the less you fear.

Recognize your fear. Just like the spider, you have to respect the money, but not afraid. If your salary is not enough to cause you anxiety, try to save. If you feel crushed by debt, make a plan so that you can segere debt problems resolved. The sooner you overcome your fears about money, the sooner you can overcome your phobia.

Control the money, do not let money control you. Setting up a budget is a good way to get control of finances. Start by tracking your income and expenses for a month, then try to start making plans. You can use a simple spreadsheet or a program budget to make the job easier.

Seek professional help. Sometimes it is very difficult to solve its own problems. If you have tried several fixes and still have not found a cure for your fear, then you may need to seek professional help.

5 Good Financial Habits

1. Calculate-Calculate Budget

Honestly we do not really like thinking about the budget, right? "Hard" or "never work", that is the reason that we catapult. Like it or not, aka budget budget is an important tool for financial control. You can see how much money you have, where "gone", and how much is left.

Tip: According to financial planner and director of the Women's Financial Network, Susan Jackson, so that the budget was more positive words replace it with money planning, spending plan or cash control. As he writes in his book Why Saving Is Like Dieting and Budgets Do not Work, said the budget is similar to the word diet. Well, try to be more realistic. Do not do a total change. Do it gradually. The important thing is to comply with budgetary discipline. That is why, perhaps you need to always carry a small notebook containing notes or shopping lists in a bag. If you find that your expenses still exceed the budget, do not punish yourself too hard. Remember, the change will not happen just one night.

2. Of Small

It can not be denied, the cost of living is now expensive. However, you actually still have the ability to save. Imagine now you have to save 200,000. Perhaps you will be justified because there was no funds to pay this and that. However, when an old friend called clan invite you to meet at a restaurant, all of a sudden you have the money 200,000 to go.

Advice: "You better start saving a little money rather than wait until the money actually collected a lot but never started (because the money does not get-togethers)," advises Susan. Only 10% of the minimum income that must be why you tube. If it is still difficult as well, just try it the old way of using a piggy bank (but do not be piggy padlocked and keyed, yes). You can tuck 100,000 each paycheck into a piggy bank or coin insert 500 every day of the return bus or shopping in the supermarket. Do not forget to always raise the money savings, if your salary rises or mortgage is paid off KTA.

3. Forget Credit Cards

Paying bills more than the minimum payment should be the first step to leave your dependence on credit cards. You must know the minimum payment will not erase the debt on your credit card over the flowers continue to bloom. Well, here's where you'll realize you need to make a budget. You can see the big remaining funds and may be used to pay debt. This could accelerate repayment of debt.

Tip: Another alternative is to take advantage of balance transfer program from another credit card that offers 0% interest for a period of 6 months, for example. However, according to Brouwer of Outlook Financial Solutions, a key out of debt is to change the habit of using credit cards. You can start by leaving credit card at home or not to delay payment of bills. Want a little extreme? Ask your credit card limit reductions, for example, only two times your salary. In this way, you will use credit cards only for immediate needs only and not for consumption.

4. Learn to Invest

Now, having settled the affairs of the debt, now you'll have more money to start investing. Actually, with only $ 100,000, you can already invest. Perhaps the next question is what kind of investment is right for you?

Tip: You can judge for yourself through quizzes that contained in the books of investment or financial planner for help services, the type of investor are you? Conservative, moderate or aggressive? Indeed you will be charged when consulted. However, when considering the situation, you still get the benefits anyway, the advice from the pros.

5. Do not Forget Protection

Ok, at this stage you must have successfully had a number of funds in savings and investments. However, all that means nothing if all of a sudden you are sentenced to suffer severe illness. Money saving and investment can be discharged for medical expenses.

Suggestion: The disease that is increasing due to unhealthy lifestyles, makes us inevitably must have health insurance. Especially for you who are health costs borne partially or not covered at all by the company. So, with little money set aside for protection, you can take the benefits at a later date.

Future starts Today

Maybe you think, too early to think about retirement. Newpoll survey in 2004 found 56% of workers were forced to postpone retirement plans for not preparing for retirement. Well, there's nothing wrong you start thinking about the future financial plans. Maybe you intend to retire early and do not want reduced lifestyle. That's the importance of establishing financial strategies from now on.

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