Removing dual boot in Windows 7

If your computer has more than one operating system (OS) is installed natively on the system, and Windows 7 is one of the operating system, I'm sure you'll see the option to boot into another operating system such as "Earlier Version Of Windows" on system startup.

So what if the previous Windows operating system (no matter whether it's Windows Vista, XP, 2000 or even older editions) has been removed from the system, but due to some problems the boot loader can not be updated? Basically you look at these options every time when you turn on your computer.

Here is how to allow you to remove entries that do not need to boot loader and boot directly to Windows 7.

First of all you have to get used to the system Windows 7.

1. Open a command prompt by Start>> Run>> CMD>> Enter.

2. Once the Command Prompt open a typed bcdedit.

Here is an example. Everyone may have different results when you type commands. Basically all the list of OS that have been registered to the Windows Boot Manager. For example, as you can see, there is an entry called "Windows Legacy OS Loader", the identifier that contains the value "NTLDR ()". From this, I can tell Windows Legacy OS Loader is used to load Windows XP on this system, because the NTLDR is the default for WinXP bootloader.

3. Now typing bcdedit / delete {ntldr} / f.

Once you see the message "The operation completed successfully", restart your computer. And you will not see the boot option again during the next startup.

"Bcdedit" is a powerful command line utility that can manage your Windows boot loader. Not only can you clean up the boot entries that are not necessary, but can also create a new boot entry manually. For more information on how to use the tool, type bcdedit /? for assistance. But be careful about what you would do in the utility, because any removal operation will be very difficult to meulihkanya.

Changing the Ubuntu look like Windows 7

Here is something interesting for users of Ubuntu. If you are a Linux user but liked the look of Windows 7, here is an opportunity for you to get the interface like Windows 7 on your Kubuntu OS. has released a package for Kubuntu transformation that can make "Kubuntu 9.04" looks like Windows 7 and in some areas to work like Windows 7.

Kubuntu Windows 7


* Vistar7 color scheme
* Vistar7 plasma theme
* Redmond Vista - Normal decorator theme
* Win7 Icon theme
* Aero mouse theme
* Windows 7 like a splash screen
* All Windows 7 sound themes
* Windows 7 wallpapers, including beta wallpapers
* Segoe UI, Calibri and Cambri fonts
Windows 7 * Default user picture

Kubuntu Windows 7

How to install:

1. Make sure your computer is connected to the internet.

2. Open the console in Transformation Pack directory.

3. chmod + x

4. sudo. /

5. login with vistar7.

Download Windows 7 Transformation Pack Kubuntu:


install jade on linux ubuntu 10-10

ade (Java Agent Development Framework) is an implementation of the DSSSL style language. Jade engine is a useful tool (in conjunction with a DSSSL style sheet) for translating SGML documents into other formats. Jade can currently generate SGML, RTF, and TeX. In conjunction with the style of "jadetex" TeX, can produce output that is pretty good. Authors: James Clark (dpkg package descriptions)

It's easy, follow these steps:

1. Open your ubuntu terminal

Accecories - Terminal

2. Sign in super user

Type in terminal: $ sudo su

Then write your Ubuntu password

3. Install Jade online

Before installing it online, make sure the repository has been set, the server can use indoensia or abroad. For Indonesia the server could use:

Type in terminal: $ apt-get install jade

Tricks Open File 2010 in Office 2007 and Microsoft Office 2003

Each version is released is always created and generate a different file. These differences include changes to the file extension, core files and some others. This change also seems a bit membingunkan because sometimes files created in this version can not necessarily be read in the other versions.

For example, we will not be able to read the default file created in Office 2007 and 2010 in the MS Office 2003 or Office XP. You must first restore the file to be compatible with Office 2003 and Office XP. The problem, for those who do not have Office 2007 or 2010 will not be able to do that because Office 2003 does not necessarily able to read the file.

Apparently Microsoft knew about this and therefore Microsoft provides an application that can be used for additional office files 2010 and 2007 can be read using Microsoft Office 2003 and Microsoft Office XP. Application that is named Microsoft Office Compatibility Pack for Word, Excel and Power Point File Format can be found for free on microsoft website. How to use it is also quite simple and will not be difficult for even a novice user.

Tricks Easy Read File Office 2007 and 2010 in Microsoft Office 2003 ImageSetelah the install is complete, you can freely open office files, 2007 and 2010 using office 2003 or office applications XP. No need to re save the file to be compatible with the old program. You can also use it to store files in the format. Xlsx,. Docx and. Pptx like the latest office applications.

Tricks Easy Read File Office 2007 and 2010 in Microsoft Office 2003 compatibility pack ImageMeskipun Micosoft could be a solution to office files 2007 or 2010 could read the old office, the best choice to stick with the road to re-save the file to be compatible with the old office. Or, if you want to better dispose of old office and use the newer, at least Office 2007.

Tricks Easy Read File Office 2007 and 2010 in Microsoft Office 2003 Image

If you want more clearly, can visit the official support website regarding the compatibility pack from microsoft office.

Recognizing Easily Creating Basic Statistics With Microsoft Excel.

Make the processing of research data or administrative data are not always with statistical programs, Microsoft Excel was also able to do so.

A student confusion when given the task of teachers to create statistical data, because its on a laptop or PC there is no statistical program. In his mind, statistical data must be processed with statistical program, such as SPSS, SAS, and other students sebagainya.Yang even funnier is actually surprised to be told that statistical data can be processed by Microsoft Excel program. He thinks that Microsoft Excel only functions that use very limited statistics on the statistics themselves.

Thus the picture of some people about the usefulness of the program Microsoft Excel in the processing of statistical data. Therefore in this paper, FastNCheap will invite you to play with Microsoft Excel 2010 statistics.

Statistics is the science and art or technique for collecting data, presenting data, collect data and draw conclusions based on the data collected.

How to Enable Reference Tools Statistics In Excel 2010.

Microsoft Excel 2010 already provides two facilities for processing statistical data, namely by using statistical functions available, and orders that an analysis of additional commands (add-ins) that can not be displayed on the main menu Microsoft Excel 2010.

Before you can use the command data analysis, the first step that must be done adlah enable reference tools already provided by Microsoft Excel, where the steps are as follows:

1. Turn Microsoft Excel program until there is a blank worksheet.
2. Click the Microsoft Office Excel button located on the left edge of the main window.
3. Click the Options menu located in a collection of vertical menu, ranging from back to exit the menu.
4. An Excel Options dialog box appears, and click the add-ins menu in the window next to Easily Make kiri.Mengenali Elementary Statistics With Microsoft Excel. Image
5. Select and Click Analysis tool pack in the application list of add-ins that are not active.
6. Click the Go button, and an add-ins dialog box is displayed.
7. Give a check mark (see picture) on the check box analysis tool Easily Make pack.Mengenali Elementary Statistics With Microsoft Excel. Image
8. Finally, click the OK button and wait a while until the installation process berakhir.Mengenali Easily Creating Basic Statistics With Microsoft Excel. Image

How to perform a descriptive analysis stastik with Excel can be done with a few steps that anyone can actually do it. Several steps can be taken in the standard analysis process is as follows:

1. From the main menu MS.Excel, click the Data menu (see picture). Recognize Easily Creating Basic Statistics With Microsoft Excel. Image
2. Click the Data Analysis in the group analysis and an analysis of data dialog box appears (see picture).

Statistical analysis to be done is to seek convergence of a cluster size of data processed. Concentration of any size is a measure of the central cluster of data that has been sorted from the smallest to the largest. Concentration of most sizes include:

* Mean.

Mean is the average or median values ​​of the cluster data.

* Median.

The median is the value in the middle of a cluster of data in ascending order.


The module is a value that most often arises from a cluster of existing data.


Calculate the mean, median, mode of data cluster Semester Final Examination score, ie: 95, 75, 70, 80, 75, 68, 80, 78, 97, 85, 64, 100, 70, 67, 90, 68, 65 , 89, and 75.


1. Input the data UAS (see picture).
Recognizing Easily Creating Basic Statistics With Microsoft Excel. Image
2. Click on the Data menu MS.Excel Main menu, and click the menu in Data Analysis Group Analysis.
3. In the Analysis Dialog box, select Descriptive Statistics menu, and click the OK button to exit the dialog box.
4. Further Descriptive Statistics dialog box is displayed.
5. Click the button on the Input Range, and enter data into the Input Range field, namely by blocking the data on the sheet (see picture). Recognize Basic Easily Creating Statistics With Microsoft Excel. Image
6. Give a check mark on Labels in First Row if cell contains a label that is inserted before the data.
7. Click Output Range, click on the column output range, and place the pointer in any cell is empty.
8. Give a check mark on the choice of Summary Statistics.
9. Click the OK button.
Recognizing Easily Creating Basic Statistics With Microsoft Excel. Image


From the calculation is known that the average (mean) is 77, 8, the median value of 75, and the mode is 75.


And the last tutorial is on the histogram.

Must have the bored look at the tutorial extension right? Do not worry, this is the last really.

A little story first, word histogram is derived from the Greek word Histos and Gramma.

Microsoft Excel 2010 provides facilities to create a histogram, namely through the Histogram command in the Data Analysis dialog box.


Create a histogram from the sale of books per day for a month, which form the data is like-the picture below.


1. Click the Data menu, and the group Analysis menu click Data Analysis.
2. In the Analysis dialog box, click Histogram menu.
3. Click the OK button until the Histogram dialog box appears.
4. Enter the book sales data in the Input Range field, and ignore the Bin Range field.
5. Give a check mark in the check box Pareto (Sorted Histogram). Cummulative Percentage and Basis Chart Output.Mengenali Easily Creating Statistics With Microsoft Excel. Image
6. Click the OK button, the process of histogram see figure dibawah.Mengenali Easily Create a Basic Statistics With Microsoft Excel. Image

So first tutorial to play these statistics with Excel.

create a system restore point in Windows 7 and Vista

System Restore Windows 7 Creating a system restore point in Windows, is an Important thing for you. By creating a system restore point, you can restore (restore) the condition of your Windows Pls the restore point was created. For example, suppose you install a new program on the computer. When finished installing the program, the computer crashes or is not running as usual. If by chance you make-a system restore point before installing fonts in the program, then you can restore the state of your Windows before installing the fonts in the program. Important Therefore a system restore point, I suggest you always do before making any changes or install new programs on your computer.
How do I create a system restore point in Windows? At this time the computer article, I will discuss the steps to make a system restore point in Windows 7 and Vista. Maybe how to create a system restore point in Windows XP, many of you already understand. For more brevity, the following tutorial to make a system restore point in Windows 7 or Windows Vista:

1. Right click on My Computer icon on the dektop and choose Properties to open the System window in Control Panel. You can also use shortcutWindows + Pause / Break to open the System window

2. System window on the left, click System Protection menu to open the Properties jendelaSystem Windows 7 or Vista. Menu System Protection
3. In the System Properties window, select the drive you will make it a system restore point and click the Create button. Create-System-Restore-Point
4. Next will appear a window asking you to give a name or description for the restore point you created. Give your name as you want or easily understood, and click the Create button. Name-Restore-Point
5. Restore point creation process will begin. Wait until the process is complete with marked a Message Box appears and tells you if the process has been completed.

So how to create a system restore point in Windows 7 and Vista. May be useful and good luck!

Serial Number of all types of windows

Serial XP that can be used for all kinds of XP, Professional or other multy, seriall all window

1. V2C47 - MK7JD - 3R89F - D2KXW - VPK3J
2. H689T - BFM2F - R6GF8 - 9WPYM - B6378
3. WCBG6 - 48 773 - B4BYX - 73KJP - KM3K3

Now with three keys on windows xp you can be like Original, which I use XP serial serial pertama.Untuk other than above please try the following series:

XP 64-Bit: M4676 - 2VW7F - 6BCVH - 9QPBF - QBRBM

And if you use other OS than XP, for example vista, not hurt to try this series if you do not have serial.

368Y7 - 49YMQ - VRCTY - 3V3RH - WRMG7
72PFD - BCBK8 - R7X4H - 6F2XJ - VVMP9

Windows Vista Business: J9QVT-JJMB9-RVJ38-M8KT6-DMT9M

Windows Vista Home Basic: KJTCW-YQGRK-XPQMR-YTQG8-DKVG6

Windows Vista Home Basic N: YQWWH-2YD6Y-V3K2X-H4H8V-WJ8WT

Windows Vista Home Premium: PYYBC-K9XT9-V92KD-6CT89-4VB82

Windows Vista Ultimate:

Windows Vista Ultimate RTM Build 6.0.6000.16384:

Windows Vista Enterprise: CYD8T-QHBMC-6RCMK-4GHRD-CRRB7

Black XP edition: W9VCJ-74DXW-JDDBV-PW777-WXD2T

Windows 7 (Seven) 32-Bit: 4HJRK-X6Q28-HWRFY-WDYHJ-K8HDH

Windows 7 64-Bit: JYDV8-H8VXG-74RPT-6BJPB-X42V4
for more please read more:

Best Serial For win XP
1. V2C47 - MK7JD - 3R89F - D2KXW - VPK3J
2. H689T - BFM2F - R6GF8 - 9WPYM - B6378
3. WCBG6 - 48 773 - B4BYX - 73KJP - KM3K3

Windows xp professional oem 2600.xpsp_sp2_rtm

Windows Vista Ultimate 100% work

Microsoft - Windows Vista Ultimate

Windows XP Pro:

Windows XP Home Edition:

Windows 98 SE:

Windows 98:
D8B33-37 942-FJHGR-WBKJ9-DFQT6

Windows ME:

Windows 2000 Professional:

Windows 7 Beta 32-bit

Windows 7 Beta 64-bit

Windows 95: CD-Key s / n: 875-7215850 or CD-Key s / n: 100-1208613 or CD-Key s / n: 757-2573155

Windows 95 (build 490): 100-1208613

Windows 95 Advisor v1.0 for Win95: s / n: 002-473 or s / n: 002-794 or s / n: 030-734 or s / n: 086-215

Windows 95 CD-ROM Plus: CD-Key s / n: 040-0073635 or CD-Key s / n: 040-0081471 or CD-Key s / n: 040-0081586

Windows 95 Final NL: 12095-OEM-0004226-12233
Windows 95 Full Version: 15 795-OEM-0001

Windows 95 OEM Version: CD-Key: 12095-OEM-0004226-12233
or 15 795-OEM-0001355-07757
or 16 595-OEM-0001695-96524

Windows 95 OSR 2.5: CD Key: 24796-OEM-0014736-66386

Windows 95 OSR 2.5 Addon: CD Key: 24796-OEM-0014736-66386

Windows 95 plus pak: 28876-062-0805825003490

Windows 95 v4.00.950: 24264-425-4287696-06468

Windows 95 v4.00.950 R2: 875-7215850

Windows 95 v4.00.950 R3/R6: 975-4769754

Windows 98 Build 1708: CD-Key: BBH2G-D2VK9-QD4M9-F63XB-43C33

Windows 98 Upgrade: BMFGB-92WFM-GFDXD-FQGW6-WT47P
Windows 98 Retail: F73WT-WHD3J-CD4VR-2GWKD-T38YD
Windows 98 SE: HF928-QG627-23QDB-PY4YF-B8GMG

Windows 2000 Professional: HRTHC-WWDF2-JQHRY-XK8X3-DTDW6
Windows 2000 Pro: TQ4CV-XPJR3-KPG3Q-HGH74-BMYWT
Windows 2000 Server: H6TWQ-TQQM8-HXJYG-D69F7-R84VM
Windows 2000 Server: MQRJT-48J9R-36JXB-HJFCJ-TQXDQ
Windows 2000 Adv Server: KRJQ8-RQ822-YRMXF-6TTXC-HD2VM
Windows 2000 Advanced Server: JJRJJ-6Q7FV-D4W8V-MKT2Y-G499Q

Windows 2003: K4RBR-F3K42-M9RXG-48TPR-H6BPB
Windows 2003 Server: JB88F-WT2Q3-DPXTT-Y8GH8-7YYQY
Windows 2003 Web Server: 42X8-7MWXD-M4B76-MKYP7-CW9FD

Windows ME: RBDC9-VTRC8-D7972-J97JY-PRVMG
Professional Windows Me :975-4769754

Windows NT 4.0: s / n: 227-075-455 CD Key: 419-0201344
Windows NT 4 Workstation OEM :34997-OEM-0028594-50108
WINDOWS NT 4.0 SERVER 4.0:419-0104153
Windows NT Workstation 4.0: s / n: 807-2414712 or
OEMs / n: 28997-OEM-0025957-49297 or s / n: 425-1921701

Windows XP Home SP2: J76RR-MY44M-VTJ9T-6PMWX-FH88T
Windows XP Professional: FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8
Windows XP Professional SP2: P7WDR-H2CHK-X8V26-7TQTV-DRM4D
Windows XP Corporate: TGRH7-K6QR3-RT6J4-V36FP-869HT
Windows XP 64-Bit: b2rbk-7kpt9-4jpgx-qqfwm-pjdgg
Windows XP Home OEM for Dell PC: FP2TC-MJ2CP-32J8T-FP3BY-RW6K6

Windows XP Media Center 2005: C4BH3-P4J7W-9MT6X-PGKC8-J4JTM

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005-WP7HT QKRX4-YQMBW-GTDQD-7MY42

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005: JJKB2-W3444-G8Q49-MH8R9-MD7PQ

Windows XP Media Center Edition 2005:

Windows Longhorn Professional: PTWG-M9PGK-2HT2J-JT9R9-6V8WM

39 935-FEA-8434699-41764
34 541-VPA-4524362-34887
11 537-BVX-4899342-16177
PCQ-57 794-7693684-15339
TPK-17 886-7595613-78928
16 514-NYY-7756842-96123
58 719-XGY-3927924-14286
51 434-HZC-8358458-91618
OGD-34 737-3733654-36986
68 352-Zou-1148288-74989

Windows Vista Ultimate RTM Build 6.0.6000.16384:

Windows XP64


Windows XP CDkey

Windows Vista Ultimate 6.6000

Microsoft windows vista ultimate 6.0 (build 6000)
Name: Your name
S / N: 89580-014-0000025-71487

Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate

Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Final

Microsoft Windows Vista Ultimate Final (activation)

Windows 7 Beta 32 Bit:

Windows 7000 beta1

Starting Entrepreneurial Strategies Tips

1. Serve Needs. People are always opening a business based on the real needs of consumers. The tip is recognize the needs of consumers all around you by asking lots of questions and eavesdrop, then explore whether you can meet those needs at competitive prices. For example, if you need catering office, start by opening a catering business and so on.

2. Retail Selling. This traditional way to open a trading business or shops. You can go to wholesale markets, looking for good stuff cheap and then took him to a location visited by people and sold at retail by a margin of a certain price. Example is the market for cheap electronic Glodok, Pasar Tanah Abang and Pasar Senen for Products Garments, also Beringharjo market (Yogyakarta) and Pasar Klewer (Solo). New goods (imports), export the remaining goods, clearance items or items second, usually quite attractive to retail. The tips are not bored quickly, precisely the promise and responsibility.

3. Sell ​​the invention. The new discovery let alone unique, very likely to cultivate a new market segment. For example a programmer capable of creating a specific application program, do not hesitate to patent and sell. The tips are creative and not easily discouraged.

4. Duplication of effort. For those of you who find yourself less creative and inovati, no need to break the charcoal. Business idea does not have authentic from you. Simply observe the efforts that is a trend, then read his chances in the future, measuring the potential and then dare to take risks to compete. You can just open a business similar to the slightly different touch. For example in front of a campus there are several copies of the best-selling business. Nothing wrong with you too "to copy" the business, for example by giving a plus on speed, cleanliness, comfort, or a bonus. The tips are risk-taking, creative and innovative.

5. Business Training. Business training may include training of musical instruments, dance, aerobics, tae kwon do, etc.. It would be easier if you are part of the training field, but if not, you can take advantage of those same experts to you manage to provide training. The tips are open social networks and personal ties with people who have special skills and have good skills in managing people.

6. Agency business. Many people started this business based on a hobby or profession that besinggungan directly with the field. For example, a photographer is easy to see the beautiful girls are gifted to be a model. Then the agency model to be highly prospective business choice. Or a former athlete who later became a candidate agent potentially athletes and talented (Talent Scout). Examples of other business-specific agent is the agent registration, travel agency, head hunter, etc.. The tip is a strong relationship and good reputation.

7. Collectibles. Still very little is sensitive and concerned about this business model. Overseas, business goods or rather a collection of items second, very attractive. A number of items that are often hunted shirt artist is famous, bestselling books first printing, shoe collection, a collection of postcards, paintings, antique bicycles or goods of mass product that is very rare. It takes a bit of fashion, but if you can get it, you can sell at a specific place, such as auctions, and get a price many times over. One of the sought after is the book volumes 1-2 "Under the Banner of Revolution" that cost could reach millions of dollars. The tip is to have capital and understand the ins and outs of collectibles that was involved.

8. Opening Office / Consultant. This field is becoming a favorite among former employees of large corporations or institutions pemeritahan lebaga employees. Suppose you are professional background as a banker, accountant, tax expert, IT, designer or even military officers. If currently you only as a 'worker' in the company, bersiaplan for business starting this consultant. A former banker / accountant can set up a consulting firm or a financial auditor floating HR Banking, IT can set up an Information Technology consulting firm or a military officer could mendirika security consultancy service providers. The tip is to optimize relations / client and your experience during at the 'workers' in the company.

9. Buying a Franchise. You possessed the Great Capital, but do not want to be bothered with an entirely new business, then just buy a franchise (a franchise). A good franchise is a standardized type of business. Foreign franchises are usually more expensive, but more tersetruktur management system. Local franchise is quite successful and very popular among them is the Es Teler 77, Chicken Fried Wong Solo, Primagama, Pharmacy K24. The tip is that you must be smart to read its market potential. To that end, this requires a special study, whether the location or type of prospective customers.

10. Business DS / MLM. Direct Selling (DS) or Multi Level Marketing (MLM) is often also called the people franchise. This business is prospective, although not so much pemintanya. Capital is cheap, but has supported a good product, good marketing system, training and career paths. The tips are strong-willed, smart and not ashamed to take advantage of opportunities denied.

11. Buying a Business Prospective. Many prospective business but capital constrained in his journey. This challenge and your opportunity. If you have a keen business sense, based on the calculation of large capital and the business you can develop a more forward again, you could buy the business. It is said that the results could be manifold. But for beginners this is not recommended. The tips are solid business experience.

12. Business Buying Dying. Many businesses are dying not because there is no prospect, namn solely because of chaotic management. This kind of business you can buy a relatively cheap price. Rebuilding effort that was almost dead and will need exceptional creativity. If you are observant mapped prospects in the future, then this is where the opportunities and potential. The tips are the mastery of the field that was involved.

13. Business Together. If you experience poor effort, but have a strong willingness to entrepreneurship, coupled trustworthy friend to memuka joint venture. This means a combination of capital and expertise. Partnering in business can be an option when one is needed bisnisyang aspect can only be met by other parties. In addition to sharing profits, are also safer because of shared risk. For example: You (the capital) and friends (Expert barber) jointly opened the salon, you (expert in cooking) and your friend (Got a broader relationship / Smart Lobbying) jointly opened the resoran or you (Got Locations) and Friends You (Expert Mechanical Engineering) jointly opened the benkel. The tips are honesty and trust.

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