Driver Checker 2.7.3 Datecode 20090624


Driver Checker is designed to effectively detect the outdated or broken device drivers and satisfy the application upgrade requirements if you can not find the new versions available from the original manufacturers. Driver Checker can deep scan your hardware devices, detect and update the outdated drivers if available, completely backup them and restore them if necessarily; You can also uninstall the drivers completely on demand. Driver Checker does all of these through the easy-to-use interface and makes your system running more secure, stable and always up-to-date.

Key features:
» Comprehensively Scan Your System
» Automatically Update, Install and Maintain These Drivers
» Drivers Specific to Your Computer
» Top-Notch Drivers Backup Capability
» Restore System Drivers
» Completely Uninstall Drivers

Download HERE

Download HERE Download Driver Checker 2.7.3 Datecode 20090624

Hotspot Shield 1.19

Hotspot Shield is a free software that allows you not only to secure your connection while surfing wifi hotspots, but also to access sites not normally available outside of the USA.

To secure your Internet connection, Hotspot Shield creates a Virtual Private Network (a secure connection, usually abbreviated to VPN) between your computer and the developer's website Anchorfree, based in the USA.

Everything is done in an extra tab open in your browser so there's no need to configure anything. A green and red shield in your menu bar indicates when and when it is not connected. The VPN is obviously encrypted (protected) - although it's not clear with what level of security is offered - so that you can surf safely without worrying about other intercepting your data.

The major reason why users are flocking to Hotspot Shield though is because it allows you to view sites in the USA that are usually restricted to outside users. This is particularly useful for video sites such as Hulu or restricted videos on YouTube. Well that's the theory anyway. The reality is that surfing with Hotspot Shield is: a) painfully slow, and b) does not always circumvent restrictions in the USA. I tried to access Hulu and although I didn't get the restricted access message (I got a message that the adverts had failed to load for some reason), the video never actually started. You could tell there was a significant slow down in surfing speed too. However, users report more success trying to access music site Pandora with Hotspot Shield.

Ensure you are private, secure, and anonymous online!

* Hide your IP while you're online.
* Access all content without censorship; bypass firewalls.
* Protect yourself from snoopers at Wi-Fi hotspots, hotels, airports, corporate offices and ISP hubs.
* Works on wireless and wired connections alike.

You can now enjoy Hotspot Shield... 100% free VPN security!

* Access all of your favorite content privately
* Secure your web session with HTTPS encryption
* Hide your IP address for your privacy online
* Protect yourself from snoopers at Wi-Fi hotspots, hotels, airports, corporate offices and ISP hubs.
* Secure your data & personal information online

Download HERE

Software Protection Solutions

Software protection is need of the day. It is estimated that about 30% revenue is lost due to piracy but these figures fail to explain the fact that piracy also increases legal sales. Director of a software company told me they learn about some companies using their pirated software but they did not took any action. The director was not surprised when he received order from the same company next year. He said in the absence of a workable demo or just to try full features before making a purchase decision many people use pirated versions. This does not mean that software companies should not protect their products but only mean that a legal demonstrable product should be made available to customer for evaluation for a sufficient period of time.
So let us learn how to protect software.

1. Third Party Software

Many developers use third party applications to help protect their software. As a result many software developers use a combination of protection methods in an effort to thwart hackers. Third party applications are often part of a total protection solution. The downside to relying on a third party is that if the algorithm of the third party application is cracked your software can be at risk.

2. Wrappers

Wrappers are applications that go around a software download. The wrapper handles the ecommerce, security access and tracks affiliate referrals.

3. Partial Key Verification

A partial key verification is a protection scheme that only verifies certain digits of the registration key. The verification digits vary in different versions.

4. Hardware Locking (generally Hard Disc)
Hardware locking, locks the software to a specific computer hardware, it could be hard disc, sound card, processor, graphics card etc. Hardware locking is used so that a single license can not be used on multiple computers. This is generally unpopular with users because they will often have difficulties if they upgrade their system to a faster system, change hard drive, face system crash. User will have the additional burden of contacting the software publisher so they can get their software to run again.

5. Online Activation

Online activation services provide software developers access to a centralized license server on the Internet, preventing software piracy by means of online software activation. Software activation is the process of obtaining a license for your software so that it becomes active and ready to use on your computer. Users dislike software activation because it is a form of "Call-back" and it will be additional head-ache if you do not have internet connection on the computer on which you want software to be installed.

6. Separate Trial and Download

Many developers release different trial version and full versions. This requires users to uninstall trial and reinstall full version.

7. Dongle Locking

Dongle locking is another form of hardware locking. The software will require the use of an external piece of hardware (either connected to the parallel port or USB port) to "activate" the software. This is very-popular among developers because it is easy to incorporate and easy to deliver. Users always dislike anything extra.

8. USB Drive Lock

USB drives also has unique manufacturer identification numbers like hard discs. Some companies are using USB pen drives as locks. The benefit is that you can continue to use USB drive for data storage. Additionally entire software can be provided in the pen drive with data in it. Imagine taking account ledgers or custom designs (like interior design projects, land escaping project etc.) with you when meeting a customer and updating details their it self. USB Drive Lock solutions will be very popular with users as will as developers.

anti keylogger tester


Most of the security software already add in the anti keylogger function and we also can find some anti keylogger software in the market like Keyscramber Personal,Zemana Antilogger etc.Does all these software claim to prevent keyloggers from stealing your passwords and personal details ?

Anti keylogger Tester enables you to test the functionality of anti-keylogger software products by simulating 7 different keystroke capture techniques as well as desktop captures.The 7 keystroke capture techniques are;

5.Low level keyboard hook
6.Journal record hook
7.Get raw input data

If your anti keylogger software works as advertised, anti keylogger tester should not be able to log any of your keystrokes, otherwise it will inform you and display the captured keystrokes and getting warning wizard as below

I use Zemana Antilogger software for verification ,getting security alert as below ;

Then i select 'Block' as a rule.Every time i run the 7 different keystroke capture techniques,Zemana will blocking it and make the anti keylogger tester wizard disappear ( Seen Zemana is a good anti-keylogger software ).

Download anti keylogger tester

PS :If you do not have any anti keylogger software installed, all keystroke can be captured - this is normal.

KeyScrambler 2.0 Anti-Keylogger Free Download

Keylogger is probably one of the biggest threat for computer users frequently logon to Web or on always-on Internet connection. Key logger runs silently and transparently in the background, invisible and unnoticeable to most PC
users, and can even foil detection by anti-virus software, records and transmits keys strokes users type on keyboard to the hackers or criminals for malicious and illegal purposes.

Most keyloggers target sensitive private personal information or data such as user name and password credentials especially those on bank’s or financial institution’s internet banking facility and access to email such as Gmail, Yahoo! and Hotmail, or credit card numbers, which can allow hackers to achieve gain financially. But sometimes, keys logger also been used to hack into a computer or an user account, such as on MySpace, Facebook, Friendster and etc. More scarily, keylogger can be installed on victim’s computer via many unsuspected means – though email, Trojan-infested website, or simply by opening up photos or images.

So some computer users depend on anti-keylogger such as KeyScrambler to protect against the threat of important data been eavesdropped by keylogger. As its name implied, KeyScrambler encrypts keystrokes that are been typed so that keyslogger, if any exists, won’t be able to capture any real keystrokes, but only some incomprehensible and indecipherable keys.

Features KeyScrambler 2.0

* Defeats keyloggers by encrypting everything you type at the keyboard driver level and decrypting it at the destination application. Keyloggers are left with entirely indecipherable keys to record.
* Protects against keyloggers even on security compromised computers.
* Requires no effort on your part after installation.
* Compatible with other security programs and authentication methods such as tokens and smart cards.
* Protects all parts of the browser with add-on by encrypting everything you type into a web page on all websites, even on Java, Flash, PDF forms such as Runescape and Internet banking login page, and many other applications beyond the browser.

KeyScrambler Personal 2.0 is the latest and new version which is freeware – free without any payment needed. KeyScramber Personal edition supports Internet Explorer (IE), Firefox and Flock. For users who require complete protection, KeyScrambler Professional protects 12 browsers including Opera, Safari, plus email clients, IM and VoIP chats. KeyScrambler Premium 2.0 protects 20 popular applications in 5 different categories such as Quicken, TurboTax, Roboform, OpenOffice. Both can purchased from QFX Software.

Download the free KeyScrambler Personal KeyScrambler supports Windows 2000, 2003, XP, and Vista (32-bit and 64-bit).

KGB Key Logger 5.2: Total security for your passwords

With KGB Key Logger 5.2 you will not have to worry more for the privacy of your passwords. This program allows you to have absolute control over your keys if someone try and fail, you send an email informing of the situation.

In addition, the program can be hidden to other users, something very useful for computers with multiple users, or select the applications that need password to run and more.

If you need privacy at your computer, this program will help you get it.

Download HERE

Spy Emergency

Spy Emergency – Spyware | 44MB

Spy Emergency Spyware Remover combines spyware remover, trojan remover, virus remover and spam cleaner

Spy Emergency Spyware Remover combines spyware remover, trojan remover, virus remover and spam cleaner security technologies into one efficient solution for combating spyware, trojans, viruses, spam and other todays harmful internet threats.

Spy Emergency Spyware Remover provides protection against thousands of various internet threats and potentially unwanted software, including spyware, viruses, adware, trojans, worms, spam, homepage hijackers, remote administration tools, activex components, dialers, scumware, keyloggers, data mining software, toolbars, tracking cookies, browser, hijackers/BHO’s

Download HERE

Weak password

Password dikategorikan lemah(weak password) karna beberapa hal yaitu :

1.Panjang password kurang dari 8 karakter
2.Menggunakan kata-kata yang gampang ditebak
3.Menggunakan kata-kata yang terdapat dalam kamus/dictionary sehingga dapat ditembus dengan menggunakan dictonary attack
4.Menggunakan nama-nama umum seperti nama istri, suami, anak, tanggal lahir, nomor telpon, istilah-istilah umum dan informasi personal lainnya yang bisa ditebak.

Mencegah Serangan Keylogger

Jika komputer anda terinfeksi keylogger, menghapusnya dengan program seperti Microsoft AntiSpyware hanya langkah pertama pembersihan. Jika keylogger sudah lama berada pada PC anda, maka kemungkinan besar satu atau beberapa orang sekarang mempunyai akses ke sebagian informasi pribadi anda, termasuk username dan password.

Seteleh menghapus keylogger, reboot dan lakukan pemeriksaan lagi untuk memastikan keylogger telah hilang selamanya. Setelah itu ganti semua password anda yang berhubungan dengan e-mail account, online banking, prgram instant messaging, situs lelang online, dan seterusnya. Meskipun orang yang menginstalasi keylogger hanya ingin memata-matai aktivitas berkomputer anda, bisa saja mereka juga mengejar detail user account. Dengan mempunyai informasi yang cukup, mencuri identitas (belum lagi uang anda) adalah pekerjaan mudah.

Anda harus memikirkan bagaimana program tersebut awalnya bisa masuk. Apakah user lain menginstalasinya? apakah di-download dari internet? apakah anda mempunyai firewall, antivirus, dan anti-spyware telah di update dan melindungi anda sepanjang waktu? Hal positif dari keylogger adalah peningkatan kewaspadaan keamanan yang disebabkannya. Tidak seorangpun suka dimata-matai. jadi lakukan tindakan yang diperlukan untuk memastikan keylogger tidak lagi masuk ke komputer anda.

Berikut adalah lima cara yang dapat anda lakukan untuk mendeteksi spyware dan pencegahannya :

1. Instalasi filter spyware pada host. Banyak scanner spyware yang tersedia di pasaran. Jika anda mencari solusi yang tidak terlalu mahal, coba gunakan tool beta Microsoft, Windows Spywares, Spybot, dan AdAware. Banyak vendor antivirus komersial, seperti McAfee, juga mempunyai filter spyware digabungkan ke dalam solusi antivirus korporat.
2. Instalasi suatu aplikasi gateware dengan filtering content spyware. Jika tadi pada tingkat host, maka sekarang kita lihat solusi spyware yang beroperasi pada tingkat jaringan. Salah satunya adalah Blue Coat Spyware Interceptero. Jika anggaran anda mencukupi, pertimbangkan untuk menggunakan solusi ini.
3. Buat egress filter pada jaringan anda. Tidak ada salahnya untuk membuat filter egress pada jaringan. Mereka bisa membantu dalam memblokir spyware yang mencoba “menelpon rumah”.
4. Monitor intrusion-detection system (IDS) anda dan jaga signature tetap terbaru. jika anda tidak bisa memblokir spyware dari menelpon rumah, paling tidak anda bisa mendeteksinya dengan IDS dan menggunakan laporannya untuk mengidentifikasi sistem yang terinfeksi.
5. Cegah user mengistalasi software download. Kebanyakan instalasi spyware disebabkan oleh user yang menginstalasi software yang di-download dari internet. Jika memungkinkan awasi aktivitas tersebut.

Spyware dan pengambil data yang sejenis merupakan salah satu tantangan paling penting yand dihadapi oleh profesional security informasi. Sudah saatnya memastikan organisasi anda dalam keadaan aman. Dengan mengikuti langkah di atas akan membantu anda dalam mencapai tujuan tersebut.

Ninja Pendisk 1.5

Ninja Pendisk 1.5 to small, not requiring installation programosik, which is designed to help protect your computer from viruses transmitted pendisk on USB. When you start Pendisk Ninja waits quietly in the system tray until pendisk USB is inserted into the computer, then be examined, it does not contain malicious software - among many other files are usually infected "autorun.inf" and "ctfmon.exe".

In addition to the removal of known malicious files, Ninja Pendisk 1.5 can also harden your pendisk special and create a folder named autorun.inf pendisk to protect against re-infection, when again will be connected to an infected computer.

Ninja Pendisk 1.5 is responsible for analyzing each USB stick that connects to your PC to protect against viruses.

In addition, Ninja Pendisk 1.5 "immunize" your USB memory creating an autorun.inf folder with special permissions for writing. Thus, your memory is protected against viruses that spread by exploiting the autorun.inf.

As options, Ninja Pendisk 1.5 provides automatic cleaning of USB stick, turn off the automatic and is started with Windows.

Download HERE

Install-Block 2.0.7

Install-Block allows you to require a password to be entered in order for new software to be installed on your computer. An ideal solution for parents, employers, and teachers who seek to secure their PCs, Install-Block can protect you from software potentially harboring adware or spyware. The program can also return to you the productivity lost through the use of games (be it Solitaire or games on the web), instant messaging programs, MySpace, and other distractions. In addition, you can prevent harm to your computer by denying access to system tools and other Windows features. Virtually any program, individual window inside an application, or website can be restricted from use. When someone tries to access a feature that the program administrator has chosen to block, a password prompt is displayed, and without the password the user cannot continue.

* Prevent users from installing, or un-installing, any program
* Prevent users from accessing the Start Menu, Task Manager (Ctrl+Alt+Del), Control Panel applets, Internet Options, and other Windows features. Install-Block can also disable logging off or shutting down of the system (Windows XP or 2000 only).
* Prevent children from using instant messaging programs, MySpace, file-sharing programs, or other content you find unsuitable
* Prevent employees from playing games such as Solitaire
* Disable the entire web browser, or choose to only stop internet downloads
* Password-protect nearly any program or window you choose
* Administrators can remotely grant or deny access to a blocked program on a networked user’s machine
* Administer all of your systems with ease, changing settings on all networked computers
* Encrypt files using Blowfish technology
* Ability to specify a list of programs/windows to allow, with access to all others being denied
* Ability to have the program launch at system start only if the user logging into Windows matches a list of users that you create
* Compatible with Windows Vista
* Much more powerful and easier to manage than Windows’ Group Policy


Install-Block 2.0.7



1st Disk Drive Protector v3.2

Protect your PC from abusive use of removable media with 1st Disk Drive Protector. This software will easily help you enforce whether your users are allowed

to use removable media or access your local drives. You can not only hide, lock and prevent usage of local, network, Floppy and USB drives but also disable

the AutoRun feature for them. This will let you significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized software installations and cluttering of local disk drives. The

design of the program offers you functionality in a very simple way. The main window of the program shows you all available drive letters in group boxes

along with the settings you can apply to the drives that the letters represent. You can hide and lock all the drive letters you do not normally use to

prevent any inserted removable media from appearing and being accessible in My Computer. The AutoRun feature can be disabled for specific drives or drive

types. If you disable the AutoRun feature for drive types, you can, for example, disable the AutoRun feature for all USB drives, for all CD/DVD drives, for

all RAM disks or for all removable HDD drives. A password protection can be applied to the program to prevent your users form changing the security settings

you enforce.

Here are the major features of 1st Disk Drive Protector:
================================================== =======
-Hide your local, network, Floppy and USB drives.
-Disable access to your local, network, Floppy and USB drives.
-Disable the AutoRun feature for specific drives.
-Disable the AutoRun feature for chosen drive types.
-Password-protect this program to prevent unauthorized access to it.

Here are more details on what these features mean to you and how they can help you use 1st Disk Drive Protector:
================================================== ================================================== ==============
-Hiding your local, network, Floppy and USB drives - After you hide the chosen drives, they will disappear from My Computer and from all Open/Save dialog

boxes in most of Windows software such as Windows Explorer, Outlook Express and Microsoft Office.
-Disabling access to your local, network, Floppy and USB drives - After you disable access to the chosen drives, they will become inaccessible from My

Computer and from all Open/Save dialog boxes in most of Windows software such as Windows Explorer, Outlook Express and Microsoft Office.
-Disabling the AutoRun feature for specific drives - The AutoRun feature will be disabled for only the chosen drives.
-Disabling the AutoRun feature for chosen drive types - The AutoRun feature will be disabled for all the drives of a chosen type. This will allow you to

disable the AutoRun feature for all USB drives, for all CD/DVD drives and so on.
-Password-protecting this program to prevent unauthorized access to it - Nobody will be able to undo the security settings you apply without knowing the

password you specify.

-Windows 9x/ME
-Windows NT4
-Windows 2000
-Windows XP
-Windows 2003
-Windows Vista


SuperEasy Codec Checker 1.0.8


Download Crack

Download Keygen

“Not playable”, “Codec not found”, “Cannot play the desired video because…”, “No filter found”, “Could not render”. Quite some movie night has been ended abruptly or at least interrupted by a message like this which may not be surprising since software players usually inform you that a problem has occurred, but not about why it occurred or how it could be solved.

This is where the SuperEasy Codec Checker steps into the breach. The software analyzes video clips and audio files and lists the found information in a clear tree structure. Classified by audio- and video stream and by used file format the software informs you about for instance resolution, frame rate, file container, audio- and video bit rate as well as about the used codec. With this information you are perfectly equipped to install possibly missing software or to filter incompatible attributes of your current player during recoding with our SuperEasy Video Converter for example.

Supported formats :
AVI, DV Type-1, DV Type-2, DivX AVI, MPEG, MPEG-1, Video CD, MPEG-2, Super Video CD, MPEG-M1V, MPEG-M2V, VOB, MP4, Nero Digital, 3GP, 3G2, PSP, WMV, ASF, Nintendo DS, Ogg, Matroska, DVD, MVR, DVD+, QuickTime, MOV, Real Media, AUDIO, Wave, MP3, MPA, MPEG-M1A, MPEG-M2A, Matroska Audio, Real Media Audio, AIFF, AIFC, AU, IFF, PAF, SD2, SF, VOC, V64, MAT, PVF, XI, HTK, SDS, AVR, AC3, DTS, AAC, APE, MAC, FLAC, CDXA, Audio CD, M4P DRM, M4P, Ogg Audio, Subtitle, DVD IFO, Matroska and Real Media.

System requirements

* Windows XP/Vista
* Windows Media Player 10 or 11
* .NET Framework Version 2.0 (is automatically installed if not yet available)
* Important for Vista: Please ensure that the sound-card is correctly installed!
* 256 MB RAM
* Pentium-compatible processor
* Mouse


This application unlocks in-use files, allowing functions to be performed on theme.
Unlocker adds a simple context menu (right-click) entry that allows for quick and easy "unlocking" of files. No more rebooting to delete files that are in use.

What's New in Unlocker 1.8.7 :

· Fixed bug: Unlocker should not create event logs anymore.
· Fixed bug: Unlocker should not take minutes to close on certain configurations anymore.
· Fixed bug: Unlocker should not lock DLLs not used by Unlocker anymore.
· Fixed bug: Fixed potential driver bug.
· Fixed bug: Miscellaneous handle leaks.
· Improved behavior: Improved deleting/renaming/moving files such as C:\WINDOWS\system32\Macromed\Flash\Flash9e.ocx for example.
· Improved behavior: When right-clicking files or folders and selecting Unlocker, those are automatically deselected. It helps with movie files and removable drives.
· Improved UI: Icon looks correct now on Windows Vista
· Promotional feature: Added fully optional shortcuts to eBay during the installation. Simply untick "eBay shortcuts" in the choose components page during install if you do not wish to have those.

Download HERE

KGB Key Logger 5.2: Total security for your passwords

With KGB Key Logger 5.2 you will not have to worry more for the privacy of your passwords. This program allows you to have absolute control over your keys if someone try and fail, you send an email informing of the situation.

In addition, the program can be hidden to other users, something very useful for computers with multiple users, or select the applications that need password to run and more.

If you need privacy at your computer, this program will help you get it.

Download HERE

Clean Virus MSN 2.6

Get rid of malware spreading via MSN messenger

Clean Virus MSN is a specifically targeted disinfection tool that detects and deletes the various viruses currenlty being spread through MSN Messenger. Get Clean Virus MSN and give it a try to see what it's really capable of!



Lan2net NAT Firewall v1.99.0187 x86

Lan2net NAT Firewall v1.99.0187 | 8.15

Popular software firewall to connect the Internet to a local area network. Full protection from network attacks, accurate accounting of traffic users and flexible filtering sites. Lan2net NAT Firewall is the ideal solution for setting up the Internet, network security and traffic control of small and medium-sized LANs. The program works under OS Windows 2000/XP/2003.

A set of necessary features, easy setup, clear and user-friendly interface in Russian, highest productivity, resource efficiency and low price make Lan2net NAT Firewall the most advantageous solution for your network.

* Protect network from external attacks;
* A stable internet connection to the network through a single IP-address;
* Monitoring network activity in real time;
* An accurate accounting of the traffic of users and network services;
* Flexible control of traffic to web sites and files on the Internet. New!

Download HERE

USB Disk Security V5.1.0.15 FULL

USB Disk Security V5.1.0.15 FULL

USB Disk Security provides 100% protection against any threats via USB drive, however, the majority of other products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection. USB Disk Security is the best antivirus software to permanently protect offline computer without the need for signature updates, but other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer. This light and easy to use solution is 100% compatible with all software and doesn't slow down your computer at all. You pay USB Disk Security once and get it all, however, other antivirus products should be paid for updates every year.

USB Disk Security uses innovative proactive technology to block any threats via USB drive. There are relatively few products available in shops or on the Internet which offer even close to 100% protection against any malicious programs via USB drive. The majority of products are unable even to guarantee 90% protection. USB Disk Security is the world's best software to block threats via USB drive.

The best solution to protect offline computer

Other antivirus software should update signature database regularly, and they cannot effectively protect offline computer that is not connected to the Internet. When new viruses, worms and other malicious attacks strike, traditional signatures are insufficient. Every minute one waits for a virus signature update creates a window of vulnerability that could have devastating consequences. USB Disk Security uses advanced proactive detection techniques, requires no signature updates, and closes the window of vulnerability left open by other reactive, signature-based responses.

The world's fastest and smallest antivirus software

With USB Disk Security, it’s not necessary to sacrifice speed for detection and scanning. Compare antivirus software and you'll discover that USB Disk Security is by far one of the smallest applications in the industry. For example, the v5.0 of USB Disk Security installer is just 1 MB. The program utilizes approximately 1 to 7 MB of RAM.

100% compatible with all software

Incompatibility between antivirus programs is an issue. In the vast majority of cases, installing two antivirus programs from different vendors on one machine (for increased protection) is technically impossible, as the two programs will disrupt each other's functioning. However, USB Disk Security is 100% compatible with all software, including Windows Vista.

Simple to use

USB Disk Security has been specifically designed to perform effectively regardless of the user’s level of computer expertise. Just install and forget it.

System Requirement

100MHz Processor or more, 16MB RAM or more. The operating system should be Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows NT 4.0, Windows ME, or Vista.


Download Here

Kaspersky Internet Security 2010

Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 All Features:

Essential Protection:
* Protects from viruses, Trojans and worms
* Blocks spyware and adware
* Scans files in real time (on access) and on demand
* Scans email messages (regardless of email client)
* Scans Internet traffic (regardless of browser)
* Protects instant messengers (ICQ, MSN)
* Provides proactive protection from unknown threats
* Scans Java and Visual Basic scripts

Extended Protection:
* Two-way personal firewall
* Safe Wi-Fi and VPN connections
* Intrusion prevention system
* Intelligent application management and control
o automatically configured application rules
o security rating is assigned to unknown applications
o access to the user’s resources and data is restricted for unknown applications

Preventive Protection:
* Scans operating system and installed applications for vulnerabilities
* Analyzes and closes Internet Explorer vulnerabilities
* Disables links to malware sites
* Detects viruses based on the packers used to compress code
* Global threat monitoring (Kaspersky Security Network)

Advanced Protection & Recovery:
* The program can be installed on infected computers
* Self-protection from being disabled or stopped
* Restores correct system settings after removing malicious software
* Tools for creating a rescue disk

Data & Identity Theft Protection:
* Disables links to fake (phishing) websites
* Blocks all types of keyloggers
* Virtual keyboard is provided for safely entering logins and passwords
* Prevents the theft of data exchanged via secure connections (HTTPS / SSL)
* Blocks unauthorized dial-up connections
* Cleans up any traces of user activity (deletes temporary files, cookies etc.)

Content Filtering:
* Parental control
* Improved antispam protection (plugins for Microsoft Outlook, Microsoft Outlook Express, The Bat!, Thunderbird)
* Blocks banners on web pages

* Automatic configuration during installation
* Wizards for common tasks
* Visual reports with charts and diagrams
* Alerts provide all the information necessary for informed user decisions
* Automatic or interactive mode
* Round-the-clock technical support
* Automatic database updates Apply Keys


Kaspersky Internet Securty 2010

Download HERE


Download here

Interactive Motion Tracker V1.0.1 Software

Innovative Mobile Motion Tracker that includes automatic uploads of pictures.

Detects all kinds of motion and makes a picture of the motion even if you are not there. So you can hunt criminals or maybe detect ghosts?

Download QiOO Interactive Motion Tracker V1.0.1 Software

Download Free trafficGPS for Pocket PC & SmartPhone

trafficGPS is primarily intended for the explorer (tracking, hiking and general exploration work). With installations used by wildlife photographers, archaeologists and safari expedition organisers. trafficGPS is suitable for any outdoor application.

trafficGPS works with any Windows Mobile 2003SE platform and supports virtually all GPS hardware. Designed to operate with the popular square screen format (240×214) and higher. The UMPC/PC version is designed to operate with typical 800×600 UMPC displays and supports virtually all GPS hardware.

Should your device not function as intended with our software, please send an email to and they will rectify the problem as soon as possible.
Key Features

1. 100,000 POI entries
2. Raw Data Export
3. Built-in Distance and Course calculator
4. Very fast operation
5. GPS Data Integrity checking
6. Small footprint
7. Modular Design with Expansion possibilities
8. 30,000 Multi-leg Route entries
9. POI finder by distance (lists POIs that are close to you)
10. Overspeeding and Speed Camera alarm
11. Compact dashboard display with loads of data
12. Sirf & Nemerix Compatibility
13. Debugging Window
14. Built-in gMeter [ SmartPhone Edition Only ]

Minimum System Requirements (Pocket PC)

1. Microsoft Windows™ Mobile 2003SE
2. CPU running at 200MHz
3. 32MB RAM
4. 175K Storage
5. (240×214) Screen
6. GPS Hardware

Minimum System Requirements (UMPC/PC)

1. Microsoft Windows™ XP (SP2)
2. Intel Pentium™ 3 running at 500MHz or AMD™ equivalent
3. 512MB RAM
4. 30MB Hard Disk Space
5. (800×480) Screen
6. GPS Hardware

Minimum System Requirements (SmartPhone)

1. Microsoft Windows™ Mobile 5
2. CPU running at 100MHz
3. 32MB RAM
4. 175K Storage
5. (180×180) Screen
6. GPS Hardware

trafficGPS Download Links

Download trafficGPS UMPC/PC [Version: 3.5 Full - Size: 511KB]

Download trafficGPS Pocket PC [Version: 3.5 Trial - Size: 500KB]

Download trafficGPS SmartPhone [Version: 3.8 Trial - Size: 475KB]

Vista Mizer

Vista Mizer adalah software yang bisa anda gubakan untuk mentransformasi windows XP, MCE atau windows server 2003 memiliki tampilan 100% windows vista. Vista Mizer akan mengubah dan menyulap tampilan windows XP, MCE atau windows server 2003 anda menjadi tampilan yang sama dengan windows vista.

Nikamati pengalaman mengguanakan windows vista namun dengan sistem operasi windows XP, MCE atau server 2003. Ada lebih dari 380 perubahan dan modifikasi tampilan yang akan dilakukan oleh Vista Mizer ini mulai dari perubahan icon, gambar , video dan sebagainya hingga tampilan windows XP, MCE atau windows server 2003 anda tampak seperti windows vista 100%.

Kelebihan dari Vista Mizer adalah Vista Mizer hanya mentransformasi tampilan dan tidak mengubah sistem dasar dari windows XP, MCE atau windows server 2003 anda. Sehingga anda tidak perlu khawatir terjadi kerusakan sistem atau rusaknya sistem operasi windows anda.

Saat proses instalasi, Vista Mizer menyediakan menu dimana pada menu tersebut anda bisa memilih mana yang akan anda ubah dan mana yang tidak ingin anda ubah. Modifikasi yang dilakukan oleh Vista Mizer tidak membuat sistem windows menjadi tidak stabil karena Vista Mizer mentransformasi windows XP, MCE atau windows server 2003 anda dengan sangat aman dan sempurna.

Vista Mizer menyediakan update untuk menjaga agar tampilan windows anda selalu memiliki tampilan terbaru. Di dalam Vista Mizer juga sudah built in backup saat proses transformasi, sehingga ada bisa dengan mudah mengembalikan tampilan anda menjadi tampilan awal atau tampilan sebelum ditransformasi.

Fitur Vista Mizer :

- Mengubah tampilan windows XP, MCE atau windows server 2003 anda menjadi windows Vista.

- Modifikasi sangat aman dan sempurna, tidak merusak sistem windows anda.

- Multi bahasa

- Mempunyai menu pilihan mana file dan tampilan yang akan anda modifikasi dan mana yang tidak.

- Mengecek kompabilitas file sebelum dilakukan proses transformasi tampilan

- Backup original system file sehingga anda bisa dengan mudah mengembalikan perubahan dan tansformasi kapan saja yang anda inginkan

- Modifikasi ulang terhadap sistem file setelah terjadi update windows otomatis

- Mengembalikan tampilan awal windows anda tanpa harus menguninstal program Vista Mizer

Vista Mizer = 18,7 MB

Download HERE

Vista Manager 3.0.2 The Best Tuning and Optimizing Utility for Windows Vista

Windows Vista is the new Operating System for home users and professionals alike. Windows Vista brings clarity to your world, so you can more safely and easily - accomplish everyday tasks and instantly find what you want on your PC.
Vista Manager is the powerful software, All-in-One utility to optimize, tweak, tune up and clean up your Windows Vista. It bundles more than 20 different utilities in one! Get access to hundreds of hidden options to improve system's performance and security, clean registry, junk files and defrag Registry, optimize network to speed connection, Mange the startup entries with Windows, change wallpaper automatically, and many other miscellaneous utilities. It is an excellent companion for Windows Vista.
Features and Benefits of Vista Manager :
- Information. Get detailed system and all hardware information on your system; show all detailed information of running processes and threads on your machine; Vista Manager offers 1-clicking cleans your system automatically.
- Optimizer. Tweak your system to improve windows startup and shutdown speed; tweak your hardware to increase system speed and performance.
- Cleaner. Find out which files or folders engross your disk space and shown with chart; Find and clean junk files to increase Hard Disk space; Duplicate Files Finder can scan your computer for files with the same size, name and modification time; Registry Cleaner can easily checks your registry and repair incorrectly linked registry entries, automatically remove invalid entries; Registry Defrag rebuilds and re-indexs your registry to reduce application response time and registry access time.
- Customization. Control what is started on Windows startup; edit context menus of mouse Right-Clicking; customize system desktop, menus, toolbar and notifications settings; automatically change your desktop wallpaper on background.
- Security. You can improve desktop, menus, Windows logon securities, and enable numerous hidden performance options of system, disable system updates and error reports; hide and restrict to access drives, specify which applications are not allowed to be executed on your computer; encrypt/decrypt and shred files, change the location of system folders; Privacy Protector can maintain your personal privacy by eliminating the tracks that you leave behind; create lots of randomization password once.
- Network. Optimize your Internet connection speed, manage all shares items; tweak your Internet Explorer easily.
- Misc. Utilities. Show the collection of Windows utilities; help you find out the installation key of Windows, Office products; shutdown your PC or remind you automatically.
Changes in Vista Manager 3.0.0 (6/4/2009):
- 1-Click Cleaner updated to v1.1
- Duplicate Files Finder updated to v3.4
- File Security updated to v2.0
- Registry Cleaner updated to v4.2
- File Splitter updated to v2.0
- Add some tweaks, fix a bug
Homepage -

Size: 4.64 MB


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